We like to pride ourselves on building a friendly, enthusiastic community of people who are just as passionate about their homes as we are; whether it’s celebrating move-in bubblies or being wowed by your interior designs and upcycling masterpieces. That’s why we’d like to put the May spotlight on the entire new build community with our #MyHouseinMay challenge!

Every day of the month, we’ll be giving you a unique photo task to rise to, whether you want to flaunt that kerb appeal, show your DIY pride, or celebrate your neighbourhood, our #MyHouseinMay calendar will have you seeing your home in a new light!

What’s more, this challenge is open to anyone in the interior design community – so if you’ve got a friend who’d like to get in on this inspo event, let them know!

Regardless if you’re taking on just a few days or the whole month, head on over to our Instagram Account to stay tuned. For now, here’s our #MyHouseinMay challenge ledger. Get ready, get set…

The #MyHouseinMay Ledger:

Day 1 – Home Exteriors: Show off that Kerb appeal!

Day 2 – Homeowners: Say hello, homeowners – introduce yourselves!

Day 3 – Interior Style: What makes your home unique? Show us your style!

Day 4 – Playing Favourites: Proud of a particular pad in your home?

Day 5 – A Splash of Colour: What’s your preferred palette?

Day 6 – Favourite Furniture: What’s a piece in your home you just adore?

Day 7 – Nap Time: Show us where you like to catch some z’s!

Day 8 – Garden Glory: Raise that green thumb!

Day 9 – Pride & Joy: Show us something you’re proud of.

Day 10 – Key Nostalgia: Have any memories or photos of the day you got your keys?

Day 11 – It’s in the Details: What little nooks are you the happiest with?

Day 12 – Life Goals: Celebrate achievements you’ve had in your home!

Day 13 – Texture Tips: Any uses of texture in your home you love?

Day 14 – Housetype Pride: Particularly pleased with your house type?

Day 15 – Hinching at Home: Spruce up for your Instagram guests!

Day 16 – In Your Area: Got a view from your home or a local space you love?

Day 17 – Home Hobbies: What personal projects do you put together in your den?

Day 18 – Personal Developments: Which areas of your development do you like the most?

Day 19 – Breakfast: What’s for breakfast? Got a favourite café you’ve missed?

Day 20 – Eco-Home: How have you made your home more eco-friendly?

Day 21 – Sanctuary: Do you have any sacred safe spaces in your home?

Day 22 – DIY Dreams: Show us your fancy fixes!

Day 23 – Extra Extra: Flaunt those extra additions and big projects!

Day 24 – Blank Canvas: Show us your before and after pics – how did you paint your canvas?

Day 25 – Milestones: Celebrate your progress!

Day 26 – Transformations: Any changes you’ve made recently?

Day 27 Fans: What other accounts do you love?

Day 28 – Friends: Any besties you’d like to boost?

Day 29 – BBQ Bonanza: It’s getting warmer!

Day 30 – Furry Friends: We love our new build pets to bits!Day 31 – And Relax…: You’ve made it! How do you plan to relax and celebrate?