Building a Greener Home with Bloor

We all want a lively, greener place to live in – but it can be difficult to know all of the ways in which we can help to keep our beautiful country vibrant. While all of our New Builds enjoy sleek modern appliances and comprehensive insulation, helping to keep your home energy-efficient, it’s good to know what you can do on a personal level to help cultivate a more eco-friendly community!

Upcycle, Recycle

Did you know that in the UK, 22 million pieces of furniture are discarded every year, with the majority of them going to landfills? Instead of throwing away an old piece of furniture, think about how it could be repaired or turned into a feature of your home, rather than contributing to your waste. It’s a great excuse to be both creative and conscious!

It’s also important to use any local recycling services you can think of – finding out where you can contribute doesn’t have to be a huge hunt, either! lets you enter your postcode to find your closest opportunities to help out at the click of a button.

Keep Your Compost-ure

Buying a compost bin is a great way to reduce your household waste and polish up your green thumb in one swoop! By being a free source of fertiliser, you won’t have to drive to the garden centre to help your plants grow. Even if you don’t want to toil in the soil too much, you can create a very simple herb garden by placing some flower pots near an open window, livening up your kitchen and giving you fresh herbs to cook with!

Purchase Mindfully

Your spending habits can always be changed, all that’s needed is a few small adjustments! Certain appliances, like pod-based coffee makers, can have a negative impact on the environment as they build up a lot of landfill waste over time. Otherwise, you can avoid buying bottled water, reduce your meat consumption and shop second-hand, creating a far more eco-friendly household!

Transform Your Garden

Did you know that your backyard can serve a miniature wildlife sanctuary, rather than a simple lawn? By selecting bee-friendly resting points such as sunflowers and violets, you can attract these useful pollinators to your garden. Certain types of bushes, such as blackberries, can give you a tasty treat to harvest and feed local birds. Rock gardens can be a decorative feature and also serve as a haven for bugs and small animals – and there’s always the classic bird box to feed our feathered friends!

Cultivating a critter-friendly garden lets you have a great impact on wildlife while bringing nature back to your immediate area, letting you see the results unfold in real time.

Creating Greener Pastures

We strive to work with the communities in which we build, and it’s always wonderful to see people coming up with innovative upcycling ideas or turning their gardens into green sanctuaries. If you’d like to share some of your very own green tricks with us, you can visit our Instagram account! Just make sure to tag your photos with the hashtag “#bloorhomes”. We can’t wait to say hello!